Legal notice

Provider and responsible for content according to § 5 TMG and § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

Bode-Panzer GmbH
Taunusstr. 7
D-65183 Wiesbaden
Chief Executive Officer: Frank Steinhardt
Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 20998“

Content responsibility: Frank Steinhardt

The information contained on this website must be considered non-binding statements without any implicit guarantee of any kind. The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is updated regularly. Nevertheless, we are unable to accept any liability for the completeness, accuracy, and currency of the details contained herein at all times. This applies in particular to all direct or indirect links to other websites. All data provided herein can be updated, removed, or modified without prior announcement. Moreover, it is not our responsibility to take preventative measures against destructive programs or program parts such as viruses, worms, Trojans and suchlike that may be installed on web servers and that might possibly be accessible via links from our web pages.
