Cash handling units

For the benefit of banks, savings societies, and retailers.


Our solutions satisfy the highest standards of quality. Designed by experts from the financial sector collaborating with experience asset protection engineers, the safes by Bode Panzer not only ensure secure storage of cash assets, but also fit seamlessly as integral elements in our customers’ existing cash logistics processes. In addition, Bode Panzer solutions are easy to integrate within the ATM foyers in banks and savings societies, allowing them to create an ideal service point for customers to deposit their daily cash intake.

Here, the validated deposit systems provide all of the functionalities needed to automate cash handling processes, in addition to physical security itself.
Naturally, they can be adapted to suit the individual requirements at their future place of use: the product range extends from simple deposit safes to fully integrated systems with cash bundle counting solutions and automatic booking of deposits, depending entirely on what our customers need. The customers that trust in the multi-client deposit systems by Bode Panzer include retailers, garden centres, DIY stores, bakeries, tyre dealers, automotive suppliers, pharmacies, petrol stations, casinos, chain stores, outlets, airports, and railway stations.

Benefits of our cash handling units

The benefits of our cash handling units quickly become noticeable. In particular, retailers, banks, and savings societies benefit from:

  • streamlining of their cash handling processes
  • substantial easing of the workload on the main cash desks
  • protection against robbery
  • protection for staff
  • reduction in the collection cycles
  • noticeable reductions in cash discrepancies and losses
  • daily booking of cash transactions in connection with your house bank
  • rapid ROI within a short period of time
  • consistent transparency on monetary holdings
  • integration of our hardware with intelligent lock solutions (OTC)
  • optional insurance cooperation to safeguard the deposited assets
  • customer-centric service and expert maintenance of your systems
  • Defined transfer of risk: the risk is passed on to the cash-in-transit company or the bank upon deposit.

Optimize your cash processes quickly, effortlessly and securely. We’ll help you!